测绘通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 137-143.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.1223

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于广瑞, 刘兴春, 王姝祺, 郭山川, 卢振杨, 汤泉寿, 李广会   

  1. 32023部队, 辽宁 大连 116023
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-29 发布日期:2024-12-27
  • 通讯作者: 王姝祺,E-mail:916205438@qq.com E-mail:916205438@qq.com
  • 作者简介:于广瑞(1988-),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事摄影测量与遥感工作。E-mail:823836547@qq.com

Site selection method for surface engineering construction considering key geological elements

YU Guangrui, LIU Xingchun, WANG Shuqi, GUO Shanchuan, LU Zhenyang, TANG Quanshou, LI Guanghui   

  1. Troops 32023, Dalian 116023, China
  • Received:2024-09-29 Published:2024-12-27

摘要: 为快速判别野外环境下适宜工程构筑的选址范围,更好地服务于应急保障需求,本文从关键地质要素对工程构筑的影响入手,通过分析岩土体力学性质、水体物理化学作用、构造发育规律、地质灾害类型及易发程度、资源分布与可利用性,探索关键地质要素在工程构筑选址中的影响机理。结合工程构筑适宜性评价,将地形及地质要素指标范围量化为5个等级,并采取层次分析法定量评定各要素对地表工程构筑的影响权重。构建了地质要素格网数据结构,经适宜性评价完成了工程构筑选址区域划分与优选。试验结果表明,本文地表工程构筑选址方法充分考虑了地质要素对工程构筑选址的影响,模型科学合理,在已知工程需求参数的前提下,可以高效完成选址范围规划。

关键词: 地质要素, 工程构筑, 影响机理, 层次分析法, 邻域统计, 选址

Abstract: In order to quickly identify the suitable site selection range for engineering construction in the field environment and better serve emergency support needs, this article starts with the impact of key geological elements on engineering construction. By analyzing the mechanical properties of rock and soil, physical and chemical reactions of water bodies, structural development laws, types and susceptibility of geological disasters, resource distribution and availability, the influence mechanism of key geological elements in engineering construction site selection is explored. Based on the suitability evaluation of engineering construction, the range of terrain and geological element indicators is quantified into 5 levels, and the analytic hierarchy process is adopted to quantitatively evaluate the impact weight of each element on surface engineering construction. The construction of geological element grid data structure has been achieved, and the division and optimization of engineering construction site selection areas have been completed through suitability evaluation. The experimental results show that the site selection method for surface engineering construction in this article fully considers the influence of geological factors on the site selection of engineering construction. The model is scientifically reasonable and can efficiently complete the site selection range planning under the premise of known engineering demand parameters.

Key words: geological elements, engineering construction, impact mechanism, analytic hierarchy process, neighborhood statistics, site selection
