Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 140-146.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.1124

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Dense reconstruction and measurement of outdoor weakly textured metals

FANG Li, LI Songlin   

  1. Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230022, China
  • Received:2024-07-01 Published:2024-12-05

Abstract: In response to the challenge of measuring outdoor metal containers, characterized by their large size, weak texture, and complex surrounding environments, a novel measurement method for outdoor weak-textured metals based on multi-view dense reconstruction is proposed. This method achieves dimensional measurement by obtaining a three-dimensional characterization of the weak-textured metal surface. Initially, the traditional incremental structure from motion (SfM) algorithm is improved by introducing a new weighted connected graph, a degree-based initial match pair selection method, and a new viewpoint selection method based on the distribution of visible points, thereby increasing the density of sparse reconstruction. Subsequently, to address the issue of high-quality reconstruction in weak-textured metal areas, a depth estimation method based on sparse priors and a multi-resolution multi-window depth estimation framework are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the method presented in this paper can resolve the measurement challenges associated with outdoor weak-textured metals, with an absolute measurement error of 0.52 mm over a distance of 970 mm.

Key words: multi-view 3D reconstruction, motion recovery structure, multi-view stereo, dense point cloud, weakly textured metals

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