Inversion of Taipu River water quality parameters by UAV hyperspectral imaging technology
LIANG Wenguang, WU Yongfeng, SHI Yifan, WANG Dongmei, WANG Yihong
Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
2024, 0 (4):
DOI: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.0406
In order to quickly and comprehensively grasp the water environment status of Taipu River,this study takes part of Taipu River as the test area,builds mathematical statistical models of three water quality parameters,including suspended matter concentration,turbidity and transparency,based on UAV hyperspectral data and measured water quality data,and then carries out accuracy evaluation. The model with the highest evaluation accuracy is selected to invert and analyze the water quality of Taipu River. The results show that: ①The hyperspectral band with the highest correlation with suspended matter concentration,turbidity and transparency is about 880~900 nm,and the correlation trend of suspended matter concentration and turbidity is consistent with the reflectance of each hyperspectral band,while the correlation trend of absolute value between transparency and reflectance of each hyperspectral band is consistent with the previous two. ②In the inversion model of suspended matter concentration,the ratio index model has the best effect (test set
2=0.91,validation set RMSE=27.04 mg/L,validation set MAPE=47.04%). And in the turbidity inversion model,the ratio index model has the best effect (test set
2=0.92,validation set RMSE=16.50 NTU,validation set MAPE=15.24%). The normalized index model has the best inversion effect among transparency inversion models (test set
2=0.85,validation set RMSE=2.43 cm,validation set MAPE=8.38%). By comparing the inversion effects of the three water quality parameters,we can see that the inversion effect of transparency is the best,followed by turbidity,and finally the concentration of suspended matter. ③The inverted suspended matter concentration of Taipu River is generally low,while the eastern part is high. Turbidity is generally high in the eastern part,followed by the western part,and lowest in the central part. Transparency is generally high in the western and central part,and lowest in the eastern part.
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