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25 September 2017, Volume 0 Issue 9
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Research on Beidou GBAS Integrity Enhancement Technology Based on Pseudo Satellite
YU Geng, ZHANG Binhao, LU Shaoyong, ZHAO Long, REN Wujun
2017, 0(9): 1-5. doi:
(3798KB) (
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According to the requirements of precision navigation technology (RNP), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) proposed the GBAS, which will become the inevitable trend of future development.But in the complex environment of the airport, the satellite signal is susceptible to outside influence and interference, lack of continuity, thereby affecting the implementation of GBAS system integrity performance.Therefore, the method of combining pseudo satellite and BeiDou satellite to enhance GBAS is proposed.The simulation results are compared with the precision factor (DOP), multiple reference consistency detection (MRCC) and integrity of the pseudo satellite.The simulation results show that the precision of the system is improved obviously after the increase of the pseudo satellite (PDOP less than 3),at the same time the new method improves the integrity of the performance,and can provide CAT Ⅱ class and above grade precision access services of GBAS in the airport of sophisticated environment.
Research Progress of High Precision International Terrestrial Reference Frame
YU Xinping, TAN Kai, ZHAO Bin, WANG Dongzhen, YU Jiansheng
2017, 0(9): 6-10. doi:
(2253KB) (
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Aiming at the requirement of mm-level International Terrestrial Reference Frame, this paper introduces the latest research progress of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame,the limitations of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame considering the nonlinear motion of the station are discussed,some suggetions on the established method and technological innovation of mm-level International Terrestrial Reference Frame are presented,these will have a certain reference value for the realization of high precision International Terrestrial Reference Frame.
Real-time Observation Decoding and Positioning Analysis Based on Qianxun BeiDou Ground Based Augmentation System
HUANG Yongshuai, SHI Junbo, OUYANG Chenhao, LU Xingning
2017, 0(9): 11-14. doi:
(3924KB) (
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As the first commercial BeiDou ground based augmentation system (GBAS) in China, the Qianxun location network announced in May 2016 is able to provide high-precision positioning service for users in majority territory. This paper first introduces the message formatting and decoding broadcast by the Qianxun Beidou GBAS, and then evaluates the RTK and RTD positioning performance in Wuhan and Chongqing. Numerical results show that the positioning precision can reach centimeter for RTK and sub-meter for RTD, respectively. The aim of this paper is to provide a basis for the promotion of BeiDou GBAS.
Short-term Forecasting of Earth Rotation Parameter Based on Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Squares
HAN Hengxing, DANG Yamin, XU Changhui
2017, 0(9): 15-18. doi:
(3699KB) (
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The earth's rotation parameters(ERP)is an essential parameter for the conversion between the geocentric celestial reference system(GCRS)and the international terrestrial reference system(ITRS).It is the important products of the International GNSS Service Organization(IGS)and the International GNSS Monitoring and Evaluation System Analysis Center(iGMAS).In this paper,the least squares earth rotation parameter prediction algorithm will cause the data saturation and the old and new data in the data processing and forecasting are equally treated and so on,the forgetting factor into the least squares prediction algorithm,and thus improve the accuracy of ERP forecast.The forgetting factor recursive least squares algorithm can prevent data saturation,reduce the influence of old data,strengthen the function of new data,reduce the probability of inversion matrix of rank loss matrix when solving the fitting parameters,and improve the prediction accuracy.In this paper,the least squares expression of forgetting factor is deduced in detail,and the best forgetting factor is explored.The experimental results of this method and the results of LS-AR model are compared with those of LS-AR model.The least squares model prediction of the forgetting factor can achieve the same accuracy as the LS-AR model.
Error Analysis and Weakening of UWB TW-TOA Ranging
FAN Qiang, ZHANG Han, SUI Xin
2017, 0(9): 19-22,50. doi:
(3350KB) (
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In allusion to the UWB TW-TOA distance measurement is affected by the standard time deviation and the NLOS error obviously,this paper adopted fourth order poly nomial fitting model to demarcate the standard time deviation,designed a new method to identify NLOS error and restrained it based on the migration of Kalman filtering.This method combined the distance measuring residual with Kalman filtering, to distinguish the NLOS error,and put the residual into the iterative Kalman filter,modified Kalman filter outliers,got the measured value which is eliminated by NLOS error.By using the measured experiments to validate the above algorithm,results show that after a standard time calibration and NLOS error identification and suppression,the distance measurement precision of the UWB TW-TOA can reach millimeter level in the LOS conditions,and in the NLOS surroundings,the distance measurement can reach 0.2 m compared to the 0.5 m before.All these prove that the method of this paper is correct and feasible.
The Impact of Data Blocks Update in Broadcast Ephemeris on Real-time Velocity Estimation
XU Yun, ZHENG Kai, GUO Fei
2017, 0(9): 23-27. doi:
(4522KB) (
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Real-time precision velocity plays an important role in many fields. Time-difference carrier phase(TDCP)is an effective way to obtain the real-time velocity with high accuracy by differencing successive carrier phases.Thus,it will be affected by the discontinuity of satellite orbits and clocks caused by the updating of broadcast ephemeris.In this paper,we introduced the principle of TDCP at first.Then,we analyzed the spikes magnitude of orbits and clocks as well as their impact on velocity estimation.Finally,we proposed a new data processing strategy,unifying the broadcast ephemeris between successive epochs.A static test was conducted in real-time mode using single frequency GPS data,and the results showed that the accuracy of velocity estimation can reach 1~3mm/s.
Change Detection of High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on CRF Model
WEI Lifei, MOU Ziwei, WANG Xiaoyan, LI Dandan
2017, 0(9): 28-31. doi:
(3955KB) (
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For the traditional high resolution remote sensing image change detection methods mostly using spectral information to calculate directly,thus the accuracy of the detection result is not high,this paper proposes a high resolution remote sensing image change detection method based on conditional random field model(CRF).The method fuses the spectrum and space of difference image with CRF model,in the process of fusion,introducing the EM iterative strategy constantly updated the detection result,improve the change detection accuracy.The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of this method proposed in this paper is better than the traditional method,and having good stability.
Camera Distortion Calibration and Principal Point Coordinate Determination Based on Fundamental Matrix
CHENG Chuanqi, HAO Xiangyang, LI Jiansheng, XU Haixin, WANG Anran
2017, 0(9): 32-36,45. doi:
(12484KB) (
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To solve the problem of complicated distortion correction process and complicated calculation in the vision measurement system, method for camera distortion calibration and principal point coordinate determination based on fundamental matrix is proposed.Based on epipolar geometry and single parameter correction model, the equation of correspondent points is formed. To avoid the problem of instability result from too many unknown parameter, utilize a two-step iterative optimization strategy to solve the distortion parameter, the principle point coordinate and the fundamental matrix, respectively. Utilize the RANSAC robust estimation method to obtain the fundamental matrix and utilize iterative least square optimization method to get the distortion parameter and the principle point coordinate. Proposed method can obtain distortion parameter and the principle point coordinate only by using two images, which is robust to the noise, and can be applied to natural scene image calibration.
Robust Weighted Total Least Squares Method for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Fitting
JIANG Ronghua, LIU Chao
2017, 0(9): 37-41,64. doi:
(3857KB) (
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In point clouds fitting of terrestrial laser scanner,the data observed with unequal and the accuracy is affected greatly by gross error.In order to overcome this shortcoming,a robust weighted total least squares method based on the theory of incidence angle weighting is adopted in this paper,and an incidence angle cosine formula to spherical point cloud is deduced.So as to get the coefficient and inspection,this method uses the theory of incident angle to determine weights and utilizes the standardized residuals to construct the weight factor function,and the square root of the variance component estimator with robustness is obtained by the median method.There use experiments based on the simulation and measured data of plane fitting and the sphere fitting as example to verification algorithm,the experiment indicates that the robust WTLS(RWTLS) method exhibits satisfactory robustness,the accuracy of the obtained parameters is high,it is superior to the robust total least squares and weighted total least squares method.It has perfect performance on point clouds of terrestrial laser scanner.
An Image Fusion Algorithm Using Wavelet Transform
TAN Renlong
2017, 0(9): 42-45. doi:
(2404KB) (
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Aiming at the problem that the clarity of some regions processed by traditional wavelet transform fusion method based on directional contrast is not high enough, some improvement with respect to the processing method of high and low frequency components have been achieved. For the sake of enhancing the detailed information of the images, the Tenunbaum gradient has been brought in. Experimental results show that edges of the fusion results are clearer by this means, and more information has been reserved by the way.
Tile Resource Selection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Based on Peer-to-Peer Network
FAN Zhaowei, LI Ziyang, ZHOU Zengguang, LI Chuanrong
2017, 0(9): 46-50. doi:
(2667KB) (
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The rapid development of peer-to-peer network technology opens up a new way for the efficient sharing of remote sensing image data. The way of data transmission between peer nodes can effectively reduce the dependence of data sharing on the server, and greatly improve the efficiency of data distribution and transmission. As each terminal in the peer-to-peer network may store image data in different areas, therefore, when you need to share a certain image data, how to choose from which terminals to transmit which tiles to improve the transmission efficiency, is an important problem needed to be solved. This paper studies the efficient way to share the tile data sets between peer-to-peer terminals, and proposes a tile resource selection method based on genetic algorithm, which can effectively solve the problem of tile resource selection in the peer-to-peer network.
D-InSAR Deformation Monitoring Technology Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation
YU Liren, XU Liangji, PANG Hui, WANG Zhenbing
2017, 0(9): 51-55. doi:
(5299KB) (
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Traditional coal mining subsidence deformation monitoring can only obtain the surface shape of the discrete monitoring variables,unable to get deformation trend of subsidence area as a whole,while the D-InSAR technique can obtain the overall surface deformation information.But D-InSAR technique requires a large number of remote sensing image data,otherwise it will lead to loss of coherence time and won't be able to obtain continuous variables.Based on D-InSAR image data interpretation in the process of image data with fewer problems,this paper first using the D-InSAR technology yuen shop two mine of huaibei mining industry group in 7225,7226 working face monitoring analysis, obtained several period subsidence deformation field of the whole,and then put forward combined cubic spline interpolation with D-InSAR technique mining subsidence monitoring method,based on D-InSAR imaging of monitoring value on monitoring,using the cubic spline interpolation to establish interpolation inverse function, the function has been established on the basis of other radar satellite revisit cycle sinking value.Finally the interpolation inversion subsidence value and the measured level data were analyzed.The results show that D-InSAR technique can effectively reflect the influence range of mining subsidence,and can extract the deformation information of regional surface accurately.Combining with the cubic spline interpolation of D-InSAR technology monitoring results maximum error and the maximum relative error is 31.5 mm and 17% respectively.The method can effectively solve the problem of the lack of D-InSAR imaging data.
An Improved Edge Detection Algorithm for SAR Images
LIU Xiaojun, HAN Fang, ZHAO Lei
2017, 0(9): 56-59. doi:
(1679KB) (
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For the SAR image with multiplicative noise, some edge detectors in optical image effectively does not apply in the SAR image. An improved edge detection algorithm for SAR image is presented. Three steps are involved. Firstly, a variety of evaluation index are used, which concluded that Lee filter can effectively remove the noise, and retain the gradient information to the maximum extent, suitable for SAR edge detection. And then put forward an improved Ratio detector, which is more conducive to image normalization. Finally, propose a new edge detector which combined the improved Ratio detector and Canny detector. The results indicate that new algorithm has a good performance in the edge detection and positioning accuracy, improves the edge continuity.
A Vector Compression Algorithm for Information Searching on Road Polyline
2017, 0(9): 60-64. doi:
(4916KB) (
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Aiming at the intricate layout of roads on vector digital maps,the paper comes up with an algorithm for searching features information within road polyline buffer field based on vector compression.Judging the features information in endpoints and corner convex field with included angle and Euclidean distance,then simplify the road polyline by method of vector compression,analyze the proximity between point features and road polyline.And realize the searching function based on this method on Google Map.Experimental results show that the algorithm is efficient,fast and accurate for searching along the road polyline.
Study on Principles and Method of Lines Selection and Automatic Processing for Railway Marshalling Yard on Map Generalization
YOU Xixia, LI Chengming, YIN Yong, WU Pengda
2017, 0(9): 65-69,74. doi:
(2643KB) (
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The railway marshalling yard is the center of railway hub,where trains are distributed and divided.Railway lines are extremely complex.Meanwhile,as there are only a limited number of marshalling yards in the world,few research articles are devoted to finding a map generalization strategy.Many existing research results on line selection are not applicable to marshalling yard.So,this paper presents a novel automated map generalization method for railway marshalling yard. First,six map patterns are extracted based on the spatial distribution and topological characteristics of marshalling yard,including broken arc,same-node arc,similar arc,mesh arc,parallel arc and main arc.Then,three basic principles suitable for map generalization and automated processing are proposed.Finally,practical data is used to validate the method.The results show that our method is highly reasonable and efficient.
Application of UAV Aerial Photograph System in Emergency Rescue and Relief for Landslide
YE Weilin, SU Xin, WEI Wanhong, WU Weijiang, YAN Jie
2017, 0(9): 70-74. doi:
(8265KB) (
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At about 3:45 am on February 19,2017,a landslide occurred at Luojiapo in Heifangtai Yongjing County,Gansu Province.In order to solve the problem of landslide thickness and volume calculation in the process of landslide disaster,this paper adopts the Sirius PRO UAV,the high resolution DEM data source before and after the landslide is obtained,and then the distribution of the thickness of the landslide accumulation area is calculated accurately combined with the field investigation.The results show that the length of the Luojiapo 2# landslide is 525 m,the total landslide area is about 5.65×10
,the total volume of landslide is about 14.7×10
,the maximum slide distance is 368 m,and the landslide shear outlet is located in the top surface of the silty clay of Upper Pleistocene Quaternary.The maximum buried depth of deposition zone is 8.35 m,located in the southwest side of the landslide tongue.According to the DOM image and the field investigation,the farmland and canal is the landslide hazard object,and there is no housing damage and casualties.This paper introduces a new research direction for the landslide emergency rescue and rescue by UAV.
Optimization Method Based on the Sliced Breakline in Filtering of LiDAR Data
MAO Weihua, QIN Shuang, FU Tingfang, ZHU Yanmin
2017, 0(9): 75-77,82. doi:
(3743KB) (
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In order to overcome the large number of misclassification errors caused by the general automatic filtering algorithm for complex terrain, the paper proposes a line classification algorithm for LiDAR data based on slice data. The algorithm uses a priori knowledge of the terrain of human judgment and multi-level automatic filtering method and high threshold to obtain the initial filtering result. Then the angle characteristics of 3D space are used to optimize the result. Finally we can achieve a good filtering effect on the breakline terrain. In this paper we use the VC++ programming to realize the algorithm of line classification, and prove the applicability of the algorithm through experimental analysis and comparison, which can adapt to the rapid production of high precision DEM.
Study on Fusion Methods of InSAR、Leveling and GPS Data
LI Geng'er, ZHOU Yuanhua
2017, 0(9): 78-82. doi:
(7518KB) (
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Land subsidence disaster has restricted the social and economic sustainable development.Leveling,GPS and InSAR technologies are widely used in leveling monitoring.To effectively indicate the accuracy of those technology on the time domain and space domain,this study proposes an integration of InSAR,leveling and GPS data processing method,to obtain high accuracy,high space-time resolution of ground subsidence monitoring.This algorithm instance at Guangzhou Nansha area,the feasibility and reliability are proved observably.
The Application of Three-dimensional Laser Scanning Technology in Micangshan Extra-long Tunnel Construction
LIU Huan, WANG Lijuan, PEI Nisong, ZHAO Peng, MA Song, XIAO Meng
2017, 0(9): 83-87,115. doi:
(6065KB) (
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Micangshan extra-long tunnel is the longest highway tunnel under construction in China with the total length of 13.8 km.3D laser scanning technology has the advantages of high-speed and high-precision to obtain the surface of the objects' three-dimensional coordinates.The technology is used to monitoring and analyzing the tunnel's overbreak-shortbreak, thickness of secondary lining,blasting effect of tunnel face,rock's deformation of circumjacent convergence and vault settlement.The results showed that tunnel's overbreak area is accounted for 81%,0~20 cm overbreak area is accounted for 62%,0~10 cm shortbreak area is accounted for 14% in the experimental section;the biggest,smallest and average thickness of secondary lining are 0.662,0.456 and 0.564 m respectively;blasting depth of tunnel face is about 3.048 m and the rock volume is 254.065 m
;maximum circumjacent convergence deformation and vault settlement are 9.5 mm and 5 mm in K54+030 section during 6 days.
The Application of Light Airborne LiDAR on Rural Homestead Building Surveying
YANG Qingshan, TANG Xuecai, FAN Binbin, XU Zhengpeng
2017, 0(9): 88-91,109. doi:
(10532KB) (
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Taking a built-up area in Beidaqu village, Beidaqu township, Yanqi County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region as the study area, we acquired high density point cloud data in a cross-route way at low altitude (170 m) with the delta wing equipped with light airborne LiDAR. Then, we spliced, corrected and enhanced texture information of the point cloud data. Finally, we vectorized the housing information with the processed point cloud data and checked the vectorization results' accuracy. The results show that the collection rate of housing corner points is 83.3% with the point cloud data, and the median error is 4.8 cm. Using the airborne LiDAR, we can greatly reduce the workload of measuring the housing corner points. In view of rarely studies of texture information extracting with airborne LiDAR, this paper offers a reference for the application of it, and gives a clear understanding of its accuracy. In addition, the results can provide reference to the further related work.
Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Aerial Survey Technology in Base Map Making for Survey of Rural Land Contract Management Right
SHI Jing, XIE Weiqiu
2017, 0(9): 92-95. doi:
(2230KB) (
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For application of the UAV aerial photography technology in the rural land contracting right base map production, this paper discusses the UAV aerial photography, the control point measurement, air triangulation, digital orthophoto map and block distribution of the production process and other aspects of technical processes and methods to Zengcheng North Pantan town of rural contracted land as a pilot to explore the unmanned aerial image base map for acquisition, processing, investigation and the production of soil distribution map methods, to carry out the right to provide registration and certification work to provide technical support for the relevant departments.
Research on High Precision Deformation Monitoring of Building during Loading
ZHENG Jiarong, CUI Youzhen, GUI Weizhen, CUI Zhe
2017, 0(9): 96-99. doi:
(13074KB) (
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In this paper, the TM30 goeorobot is used to monitor the deformation of Beijing Polytechnic College library during the loading of books. The monitoring data are adjusted strictly to obtain the monitoring results. What is more, according to the monitoring results, the deformation contour line is plotted and the deformation in each direction is displayed, therefore, the dangerous deformation area is visually expressed, Finally, the deformation monitoring law during the building loading is obtained. At the early stage of loading, the deformation of the north-south direction is unstable as "S", while the deformation of the east-west direction tends to be around the loading position of the book. From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that the length and width of the building have an impact on the stability of the building, and it is necessary to increase the building load and take protective measures on the periphery, where the building needs to be loaded. The research has practical implications for architectural design.
Application of Three-dimensional Laser Model in Planning
WANG Wenhui
2017, 0(9): 100-103,125. doi:
(3485KB) (
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Many cities in China have basically realized the application of digital three-dimensional modeling technology in planning and planning before the three-dimensional simulation program management, have effectively improved the quality and efficiency of the planning approval.However,by the project planning and acceptance of data collection restrictions,planning verification using three-dimensional platform of the city is one of the few. With the development of 3D laser scanning equipment and technology, micro long distance and high precision 3D laser scanning equipment has entered the application stage,rotor UAV equipped with mini 3D laser scanner operating mode,let the small area fast and accurate 3D model become possible.Through a building completed 3D mapping test case,this paper tested the application area of 3D laser scanning technology,the number after the management objective of the project construction and project schedule management,real,accurate,intuitive and detailed and accurate understanding of the actual project construction situation,improved the efficiency of planning and planning management after batch verification that greatly promoted the planning management more scientific and efficient.
Application of Dynamic Multilevel Base State and Various Granularities with Spatiotemporal Amendments in Mining Area Geological Environment
MA Long, LU Caiwu, GU Qinghua
2017, 0(9): 104-109. doi:
(5854KB) (
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To solve the problem of dynamic changing and real-time monitoring of mining geological environment area,the dynamic multilevel base state and various granularities with amendments is proposed through time granularities and variable granularities storage factors are wholly integrated depending to the expression of time attribute in TGIS,so as to realize base state and history base state are quickly created in time granularities dynamic process.The five database structure and organization of spatiotemporal database are designed by combined with spatiotemporal data of a mining areas geological environment area,Then playback and advanced preview of area change scene are realized respectively by combing TGIS with video player and SQL.Finally spatiotemporal data of a mine geological environment type as example,the successful application states that the model can be real-timely monitored change of the geological environment areas,be improved the reclamation areas,and be realized the storage,reproduction and forecast of the mining geological environment area data.
Different Geomorphic Type Watershed Division and Distribution Research Based on DEM—Taking Chishui River Basin as an Example
LÜ Yibing, ZHANG Bin, CHEN Zhihu, LI Yiqiu, YANG Guangbin
2017, 0(9): 110-115. doi:
(9247KB) (
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The small watershed division has become an important geographical unit in soil and water loss control,ecosystem restoration,etc.This paper takes the Chishui river basin as the research object,and obtains the digital elevation model(DEM)based on 1∶50000 topographic map,and then extracts the small watershed of the Chishui river basin in Guizhou province.We have carried out a field investigation combined with geological and hydrological data to verify the accuracy of small watershed division result.Eventually,we get 753 small watershed in the Chishui river basin of Guizhou province,most of them distributed in Xishui county,Chishui city,Renhuai city,Qixingguan cities,etc.Among the 753 small watershed,530 of them are part of complete type watershed,180 of them are part of interval type watershed,and 43 of them are part of slope type watershed.And there are 9 small watershed whose area is less than 3 km
,310 small watershed whose area between 3 km
and 10 km
,348 small watershed whose area between 10 km
and 30 km
,and 86 small watershed whose area between 30 km
and 50 km
.The small watershed segmentation study of Chishui river basin in Guizhou province provides the scientific basis for small watershed management,the scientific basis for decision-making for the soil and water conservation measures of regional ecological construction,and promotes the soil and water conservation ecological environment construction.
Construction of Field Surveying System for Synchronized Updating Geographic National Condition and Fundamental Geographic Information Data
HE Xin, YING Guowei, Gao Qianying, LI Liang
2017, 0(9): 116-119. doi:
(6741KB) (
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A new concept based on map cache slicing, GPS positioning technology and mobile terminal was proposed to build synchronous updating field surveying system of geographic national condition data and fundamental geographic information data. The system can implement that the same feature only needs to be measured once to updating geographic national condition data and fundamental geographic information data in the field. Repeated field production can be avoided by the system. Therefore the updating cost of geographic national condition data and fundamental geographic information data will be reduced.
Research on Automatic 3D Geological Modeling Based on Rule Base
CHEN Ming'e, TU Jiangtao
2017, 0(9): 120-125. doi:
(3410KB) (
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In this paper,we use the rule to unify the semantic representation of 3D entities to provide a unified approach of modeling.Using the framework of 3D vector data model,respectively,according to rules to develop a data format,such as straight hole,oblique hole,profile,contour,fault,fold and other data sources,standardization and information fusion of multi-source geological data,through the rapid construction of geological surface and geological body,a 3D vector data model based on rule base is established.And the automatic construction method of three-dimensional model suitable for all kinds of geological features is studied,including multi-source data coupling automatic modeling technique for layered. Automatic modeling of partitioning-splicing based on section cell partitioning,rapid modeling technology of complex geological structures under multi-constraints and 3D geo-attribute modeling technology with spatial constraints and so on.In ensuring the accuracy of the model under the premise,minimize the amount of human interaction modeling effort for improving modeling efficiency.
Research on High Precision 3D City Modeling Technology Based on OGRE
GAO Zhiguo, SONG Yang, DENG Jieru, WANG Feng, XIE Hongyu
2017, 0(9): 126-130. doi:
(6737KB) (
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As an important part of 3D GIS, 3D city model has been widely used in urban planning, urban construction, architectural design and other fields. With the development of computer graphics technology and virtual reality technology, it provides the conditions for fast and automatic generation of high precision 3D city model. This paper is based on the OGRE engine, describes the overall architecture and key technology of 3D city modeling technology, developed the automatic modeling tools and 3D visualization platform, 3D City Modeling and automatic 3D city model real-time rendering display.
Some Consideration of Setting Spatial Geographic Information Sharing Platform in Urban Industry Resources
YANG Riliang, WEI Lilong, HE Wei
2017, 0(9): 131-135. doi:
(8528KB) (
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Targeting the problem of balancing urban development, resources allocation, business modalities and our country layout, based on the spatial dimension properties of cities, this paper proposes the idea of developing spatial geographic information sharing platform in urban industry, and discusses the necessity and feasibility of the idea, as well as the basic conditions, workflow, data source needed for the construction of the platform.Furthermore,this paper discusses the overall design principal, implementation and organization strategies, as well as the long-term running mechanism.
Development and Application of Vehicle Mobile Mapping System
MING Jing, XIANG Zejun, LONG Chuan, LÜ Nan
2017, 0(9): 136-141. doi:
(11422KB) (
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To realize the fast and efficient acquisition of spatial information, a vehicle mobile mapping system is developed on the basis of integrating sensors such as GNSS, IMU, panoramic camera and LiDAR. According to the precision solution of position and orientation, the panoramic image and the laser point cloud are coupled to generate a measurable panorama with true color point cloud. New forms of application are also brought out, such as the aerial view panorama and the browser-based massive point cloud publishing. The successful application of the system during the rapid mobile mapping in the Yuwu Expressway expansion project has proven that the system not only has the advantages of simple installation, rapid acquisition, high efficiency, fruitful results, but also has the measurement accuracy of centimeter level.
Reflection of Engineering Education Professional Accreditation in Surveying and Mapping Engineering
HUANG He, LUO De'an, LÜ Shuqiang, DING Keliang, QIU Dongwei
2017, 0(9): 142-144,149. doi:
(1776KB) (
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The construction of comprehensive reform of Surveying and Mapping Engineering based on the engineering education accreditation system has made great achievements in reform and construction which is about training advanced surveying and mapping professionals who is innovative applications type, no probation period and international and server for city planning, construction and management of the capital. It has played an important role in the personnel training and discipline construction of surveying and mapping engineering, and has realized the internationalization of talents training.
Research on the Promotion of National Vocational Students Skills Competition for the Construction of Practical Teaching System of Higher Vocational Engineering Surveying Technology
LI Yongchuan, KONG Linghui
2017, 0(9): 145-149. doi:
(2343KB) (
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Firstly,the paper states the implementation of the National Vocational Students Skills Competition,and points out that the competition is not well connected with the practice teaching of the higher vocational engineering survey,which is limited improvement for all students' surveying practical ability to map and practice.We should integrate the competition with the practice teaching.Then it states the implementation of the practice teaching of the engineering survey from the talents training program of the engineering survey,twice post practice and five teaching models,credit system teaching plan,training room opening,measurement association events,and integrates the National Vocational Students Skills Competition and conventional teaching,in order to make the competition to promote the studying and teaching,present the competitions of class,faculty,school,everyone participate,improve together,promote people's all-round development. Finally,the paper constructs the practical teaching system of higher vocational engineering survey.