测绘通报 ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 138-142.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2020.0231

• 技术交流 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 轨道交通工程信息化国家重点实验室(中铁一院), 陕西 西安 710043;
    2. 中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司, 陕西 西安 710043
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-02 出版日期:2020-07-25 发布日期:2020-08-01
  • 作者简介:王玮(1983-),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事轨道交通虚拟地理环境研究工作。E-mail:wangwei2121@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Construction and application of the railway BIM spatial information system based on 3D GIS

WANG Wei1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Engineering Informatization(FSDI), Xi'an 710043, China;
    2. China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Xi'an 710043, China
  • Received:2020-04-02 Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-08-01

摘要: 铁路工程是带状工程,具有范围广、与地形地貌结合紧密的特点。传统BIM设计对海量模型及地理空间分析的支持较弱,难以解决大范围地理环境下铁路工程多专业集成的问题。本文以三维地理信息系统为基础,研究了大范围地理环境下面向铁路BIM多专业设计融合的关键技术,从铁路地理信息数据发布、地理环境下的线路设计、多专业BIM模型无缝拼接、海量模型数据的轻量化与显示策略等方面进行了深入地分析和研究,提出了一套完整的铁路设计BIM+GIS解决方案。在此基础上,构建了基于三维GIS的BIM空间信息平台,在西成高铁BIM试点工程中进行了应用和验证。

关键词: 建筑信息模型, 三维地理信息系统, 线路设计, 模型轻量化, 空间信息系统构建

Abstract: The railway is a strip construction, which has the characteristics of wide range and close integration with geography. Traditional BIM software is weak in geospatial analysis, and it is difficult to support large-scale railway design, which can not solve the problem of railway project multi-professional integration in wide geographical environment. This paper discusses the usage of 3D geographic information systems as the platform to support a wide range of railway BIM applications in spatial data processing, analysis and model integration. By analyzing and researching the publishing of railway geographic information data, route design in geographical environment, seamless integration of multiple BIM models, and massive models light-weighting and displaying strategies, a complete BIM+GIS solution for railway design is proposed. On this basis, a 3D GIS-based BIM spatial information platform is constructed, which is applied and verified in the Xicheng high speed railway BIM pilot project.

Key words: building information modeling, 3D geographic information system, route design, model lightweight, spatial information system constructed
