测绘通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 166-171,177.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.0530

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  1. 高德软件有限公司, 北京 100012
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-08 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 作者简介:赵明姝(1983—),女,硕士,研究方向为高精地图数据规格标准和应用。E-mail:mingshuzhao@hotmail.com

An updating method of the HD map confidence

ZHAO Mingshu   

  1. Amap Software Co., Ltd., Beijing 100012, China
  • Received:2023-09-08 Published:2024-06-12

摘要: 自动驾驶对地图提出的高精度、高鲜度、高覆盖等要求,现阶段难以同时满足,本文针对高、低精度数据空间位置差异但特征相似度极高的特点,提出了一种将低精度观测信息转化为高精地图要素置信度的方法,在不改变高精地图更新频率的前提下,完善地图安全策略。该方法采用矩形邻域二级匹配原理和匹配度测量模型,缩小匹配范围和量化匹配度,从而准确匹配目标;再根据特征向量分析,判断目标要素当前状态;采用计分规则将状态转化为地图要素置信度得分。该方法运用在多省高快速高精地图置信度更新试验中,仅用普通行车记录仪图片提供的观测信息,即可更新HD地图限速标牌存在置信度,还验证了由新的观测触发和由底图更新触发两种置信度更新模式。试验结果表明,观测冗余度和置信度保持率呈正相关,当观测冗余度约为15时,可达到60d 80%以上目标要素保持高置信,且准确率超过96%。本文方法为高精地图鲜度与安全冲突提供了一种行之有效的解决方案,可促进高精地图安全应用策略进一步深化。

关键词: 高精地图, 置信度, 地图更新, 地图匹配

Abstract: The requirements by autonomous driving to HD maps, including high-precision, high-quality, and vast-coverage, which is less likely to be fully addressed with current technology. This paper proposes a method to convert low-precision observations into confidence of high-precision map elements, for they are different in spatial but very similar at feature level. It improves the strategy of HD map reliability without shorten its update cycle. The process starts with narrowing down matching scope and measuring matching rate, twice filtering using rectangular neighbor and a measuring model are employed to figure out the target from HD map. Followed by feature level analysis, status assessment and confidence score calculate, confidence of HD map elements get updated afterwards. Applying this method to our experiments with HD map includes 17 provinces, confidence of traffic sign gets updated via dash cam images. Moreover, two ways that could trigger out confidence update are verified, i.e. new observation and new map inputs. The results show redundant observations and confidence level are in positive correlation. When observation redundancy reaches 15, more than 80% of the target elements can maintain high confidence for 60 days, and the accuracy rate exceeds 96%. This study provides a solution to the conflict between high-precision map freshness and reliability, which can further promote the deepening of strategies of high-precision map applications.

Key words: high definition map, map confidence, map update, map matching
