测绘通报 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 5-12.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2019.0002

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张月, 庞蕾, 徐西桂, 张天, 张瑞菊   

  1. 北京建筑大学, 北京 102616
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-11 修回日期:2018-09-17 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-02-14
  • 通讯作者: 庞蕾。E-mail:panglei@bucea.edu.cn E-mail:panglei@bucea.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:张月(1994-),女,硕士生,主要研究方向为差分层析SAR。E-mail:Zhang_Yue0102@163.com
  • 基金资助:

The research status analysis of differential TomoSAR

ZHANG Yue, PANG Lei, XU Xigui, ZHANG Tian, ZHANG Ruiju   

  1. Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 102616, China
  • Received:2018-04-11 Revised:2018-09-17 Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-02-14

摘要: 差分层析SAR是在层析SAR基础上发展起来的一种四维信息反演技术。它不仅实现了对雷达目标的三维分辨能力,同时可以获取目标的形变速率信息,可实现对目标方位-距离-高度-时间四维成像,这对实现城市基础设施动态形变监测、古建筑风险评估、重要工程安全监测等应用具有重要实际意义和价值。本文基于差分层析SAR成像原理,分析了成像处理过程中存在的问题,总结了差分层析SAR成像算法研究现状和特点;最后列举了差分层析SAR技术的主要应用领域,并对其技术发展趋势进行了展望。

关键词: 差分层析SAR, 四维成像, 压缩感知, 形变监测

Abstract: Differential TomoSAR is a 4D information inversion technique that develops from SAR tomography. It performs a 4D space-velocity imaging that not only provides 3D imaging, but also gains the deformation information of the targets. It has important value in monitoring dynamic city infrastructure deformation,accessing ancient buildings risk and monitoring safety of engineering.This paper introduces the principles of differential TomoSAR imaging and discusses the problems in imaging process. Then it summarizes research status of imaging algorithms and features. Finally, it presents the primary applications and prospects of differential TomoSAR.

Key words: differential TomoSAR, 4D SAR imaging, compressive sensing (CS), deformation monitoring
