测绘通报 ›› 2025, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 35-41.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2025.0107

• 生态环境动态监测 • 上一篇    下一篇

FY-3D MERSI-Ⅱ影像空间信息增强与湖泊监测应用验证

苗顺霞1, 孙开敏1,2, 胡秀清2,3, 瞿建华4   

  1. 1. 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室, 湖北 武汉 430079;
    2. 许健民气象卫星创新中心, 北京 100081;
    3. 中国气象局国家卫星气象中心, 北京 100081;
    4. 中国气象局北京华云星地通科技有限公司, 北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-24 发布日期:2025-02-09
  • 通讯作者: 瞿建华。E-mail:qujh@cma.gov.cn
  • 作者简介:苗顺霞(1998—),女,博士生,主要研究方向为遥感应用与辐射定标。E-mail:shunxiamiao@whu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Spatial information enhancement in FY-3D MERSI-Ⅱ images and application validation through lake monitoring

MIAO Shunxia1, SUN Kaimin1,2, HU Xiuqing2,3, QU Jianhua4   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;
    2. Innovation Center for Xu Jianmin Meteorological Satellite, Beijing 100081, China;
    3. China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China;
    4. Beijing Huayun Shinetek Company, Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2024-04-24 Published:2025-02-09

摘要: 国产风云三号D星中分辨率成像仪(FY-3D MERSI-Ⅱ)为生态环境监测提供了高频次、多波段、大范围的数据。MERSI-Ⅱ主要提供轨道刈幅的L1级观测产品,而地表反射率及生态参量等下游产品有限。本文开发了顾及传感器成像特性的MERSI-Ⅱ影像空间信息增强方法,充分利用了扫描成像中产生的冗余观测信息,去除Bowtie效应,在保证定量特性的前提下,实现了色调和空间的一致性,将L1级数字信号(DN)转换为几何信息完备、空间质量高的地表反射率数据。湖泊监测产品的精度和可靠性与影像空间分辨率、定位精度及成像质量等密切相关,因此以青藏高原96个湖泊监测应用为例,验证了影像空间信息增强方法的有效性。以Landsat 8陆地成像仪(OLI)水体提取结果作为真值,经本文增强处理的影像在中大型湖泊(≥550 km2)面积提取上的平均误差低于3.5%,中小型湖泊(<550 km2)提取误差均低于6.5%。综合所有样例湖泊,空间信息增强后的影像在湖泊范围监测应用中平均精度相较于常规影像提升了3.62%。

关键词: 风云三号卫星, 影像处理, MERSI传感器, 湖泊监测, 水体范围反演, Landsat 8

Abstract: The medium-resolution imaging spectrometer (MERSI-Ⅱ), a key payload on the Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) satellite, provides essential data for ecological monitoring through high-frequency, multi-band observations over extensive areas. While primarily focusing on L1-level swath observations, MERSI-Ⅱ offers limited downstream products including surface reflectance and ecological parameter retrieval. This study develops an innovative image spatial enhancement method tailored to MERSI-Ⅱ's imaging characteristics. By efficiently leveraging redundant scanning observations to eliminate the Bowtie effect, this method ensures quantitative integrity while achieving tonal and spatial coherence. It effectively converts L1-level digital signals(DN) into geospatially comprehensive, high-quality surface reflectance data. The accuracy of lake monitoring depends on factors like image resolution, positioning accuracy, and imaging quality. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we analyze 96 lakes in the Tibetan Plateau region. Using Landsat 8 OLI water extraction as a reference, our enhanced images demonstrated average extraction errors below 3.5% for large lakes(≥550 km2) and under 6.5% for small to medium-sized lakes(<550 km2). Overall, the application of spatial information enhancement improved the monitoring accuracy for all sample lakes by 3.62% compared to conventional imagery.

Key words: Fengyun-3 satellite, image processing, MERSI sensor, lake monitoring, water area inversion, Landsat 8
