Spatio-temporal characteristics of air pollutants in major urban agglomerations of the Yellow River Basin
ZHAO Pengfei, BAI Yang, WANG Pan, WU Peiqing
2021, 0(10):
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To explore air pollutants' temporal and spatial evolution characteristics in the Yellow River Basin, we analyze the annual, seasonal, and monthly changes of the concentrations of OMI HCHO, NO2, and SO2 in seven major urban agglomerations from 2005 to 2019. High concentration areas of the three pollutants concentrated in Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration (SPUA), Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration (ZYUA), the southern part of Jinzhong Urban Agglomeration (JZUA), and eastern part of Guanzhong Plain Urban Agglomeration(GPUA). The HCHO column troposphere concentration showes a fluctuating upward trend from 2005 to 2019 in seven urban agglomerations. Its monthly variation showes a single peak structure, high in summer, low in winter, and much the same in spring and autumn. The NO2 troposphere column concentration showes an upward trend from 2005 to 2011 and only slightly decreased in 2008. It begins to decline significantly in the Hubao-Eyu Urban Agglomeration (HEUA), Ningxia along the Yellow River Urban Agglomeration (NYUA), and JZUA from 2011 due to the implementation of the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants (GB 13223-2011), while SPUA (with a slight decrease in 2012), ZYUA, and GPUA due to the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan from 2013. Its monthly variation of the seven urban agglomerations showes an upward parabola where the higher the concentration, the more pronounced the unimodal structure, high in winter, low in summer, and much the same in spring and autumn. The SO2 column concentration reaches the peak in 2007, begins to decline sharply in 2008, and showes a fluctuating downward trend after 2010. Its monthly and seasonal variations are similar to that of NO2. The air quality of Lanzhou-Xining Urban Agglomeration, NYUA in the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin, and HEUA at the junction of upper and middle reaches are better than the GPUA and JZUA in the middle reaches. The air quality of ZYUA at the intersection of the middle and lower reaches and SPUA at the lower reaches is inferior.