测绘通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 80-82,107.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2017.0089

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吴波, 杨晓锋, 陈宏强, 李俊, 侯兴泽   

  1. 国家测绘地理信息局第二地形测量队, 陕西 西安 710054
  • 收稿日期:2016-07-15 修回日期:2017-01-24 出版日期:2017-03-25 发布日期:2017-03-31
  • 作者简介:吴波(1988-),男,助理工程师,主要研究方向为点云数据处理与应用。E-mail:282862746@qq.com

Method Research of Vehicle-borne Mobile Surveying Technology in Large-scale Topographic Mapping

WU Bo, YANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Hongqiang, LI Jun, HOU Xingze   

  1. The Second Institute of Topographic Surveying, National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, Xi'an 710054, China
  • Received:2016-07-15 Revised:2017-01-24 Online:2017-03-25 Published:2017-03-31

摘要: 结合车载移动测量技术特点和测区实际情况,对外业扫描和内业数据处理过程进行了研究,并详细阐述了利用点云和影像数据进行大比例尺地形图制作与检查的方法,最后与传统测图方法进行了比较。结果表明,车载移动测量技术可以满足1:1000地形图测绘的精度要求,而且地形图制作效率较传统方法提高数倍。本文的研究可以为今后车载移动测量技术在大比例尺地形图测绘中的应用提供参考。

关键词: 车载移动测量, 数据处理, 大比例尺地形图

Abstract: Combining the technology of vehicle-borne mobile surveying with surveying area's practical situation, the process for filed scanning and data processing are researched. Then the method of inspection and producing of large-scale topographic map by using point cloud and image is expounded in detail. After that, this paper contrastes the vehicle-borne mobile surveying technology with the traditional ways. Result shows that the vehicle-borne mobile surveying technology can satisfy the accuracy of surveying and mapping of 1:1000 topography map, and the topographic map production will be more efficient by using it. This paper will provide some reference for the application of vehicle-borne mobile surveying technology in large-scale topographic mapping.

Key words: vehicle-borne mobile surveying, data processing, large-scale topographic mapping
