测绘通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 141-144.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2024.0824

• 技术交流 • 上一篇    


许书影1,2, 何伟1, 童彤1   

  1. 1. 上海市测绘院, 上海 200063;
    2. 自然资源部超大城市自然资源时空大数据分析应用重点实验室, 上海 200063
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-29 发布日期:2024-09-03
  • 作者简介:许书影(1987—),女,硕士,工程师,主要从事地铁相关测量工作。E-mail:597355907@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

The application of 3D realistic technology in digital metro station system construction

XU Shuying1,2, HE Wei1, TONG Tong1   

  1. 1. Shanghai Surveying and Mapping Institute, Shanghai 200063, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Spatial-temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacities, MNR, Shanghai 200063, China
  • Received:2024-01-29 Published:2024-09-03

摘要: 数字地铁建设中的重要基础是构建可视化、可量测的地铁车站二三维模型。传统的地铁车站现场测量方法存在外业工作量大、自动化程度低、测量效率低、获取信息少、成果不够全面等缺点。本文采用实景三维技术快速获取地铁车站空间信息,该方法具有非接触测量、高效率、高精度、自动化程度高、信息全面丰富、成果形式多样、拓展性强等优点,能为地铁日常的运营和管理提供权威、准确、直观的测绘数据,同时还能尽量减少对车站日常运营管理的影响,助力上海地铁数字化转型。

关键词: 地铁车站测量, 三维实景技术, 高效率

Abstract: The important foundation of digital metro station constructiong is to build a visualized and measurable model. The traditional metro station measurement method has many disadvantages, such as heavy workload, low automation, low measurement efficiency, poor information acquisition and incomplete results. In this paper, 3D laser scanning technology is used to quickly obtain the spatial information of metro stations. This method has the advantages of non-contact measurement, high efficiency, high precision, high degree of automation, comprehensive and rich information, diverse forms of results, strong scalability, etc. It can provide authoritative, accurate and intuitive mapping data for daily operation and management of subway. At the same time, it can minimize the impact on the daily operation and management of the station,assisting in the digital transformation of Shanghai metro.

Key words: metro station survey, 3D realistic technology, high efficiency
