测绘通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 127-130,137.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2017.0394

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刘吉1, 孙俊英1, 李琴1,2, 蔡忠亮2   

  1. 1. 贵州省第二测绘院, 贵州 贵阳 550004;
    2. 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院, 湖北 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-14 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2018-01-05
  • 作者简介:刘吉(1981-),女,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为3S技术在国土资源中的应用。E-mail:43667964@qq.com

Construction and Application of Data Acquisition APP for Precision Poverty Alleviation in Guizhou

LIU Ji1, SUN Junying1, LI Qin1,2, CAI Zhongliang2   

  1. 1. The Second Surveying and Mapping Institute of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550004, China;
    2. School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • Received:2017-03-14 Online:2017-12-25 Published:2018-01-05

摘要: 为了在短期内实现贵州省精准扶贫海量数据高效率、高精度的外业采集工作,综合集成GIS技术、GPS技术、网络技术、数据库技术,基于智能移动终端研发了一套易携带、成本低、实时作业的APP外业采集系统,充分利用了APP系统下载即用、操作简单、使用方便、培训快速的优点,实现了对贫困户信息的实时采集、实时更新、实时考核、实时跟踪,大大提高了采集的工作效率,在贵州省国土资源云精准扶贫作战图管理系统项目建设中取得了良好的应用成效,验证了系统的可行性和实用性。

关键词: 精准扶贫, 外业采集, APP系统, GIS技术

Abstract: In order to achieve the timely acquisition of mass data of poverty,this paper developed an APP system by integrating GIS technology,GPS technology,network technology,database technology,and intelligent mobile terminal,which is easy to carry and perform.By virtue of the APP,we can timely acquire,update,store and track the poverty information.The efficiency of the project in Guizhou Province,land and resources cloud precision poverty alleviation map management system project construction has achieved good results,which verifies the feasibility and practicality of the system.

Key words: precision poverty alleviation, field acquisition, APP, GIS technology
