测绘通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 16-19,49.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2022.0036

• 第八届测绘科学前沿技术论坛获奖论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京市测绘设计研究院, 北京 100038
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-24 发布日期:2022-03-11
  • 作者简介:许艳博(1982-),男,高级工程师,主要从事工程测量工作。E-mail:wwwwww1350@163.com

Curved surface measurement by integrating 3D laser scanning and architectural design coordinates

XU Yanbo   

  1. Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100038, China
  • Received:2021-05-24 Published:2022-03-11

摘要: 针对赛道复杂双曲面结构的高精度要求,以及无BIM模型加以参照这一现状,本文以北京冬奥会雪车雪橇赛道为例,首先采用全站式三维激光扫描仪对赛道混凝土喷射形成的曲面进行扫描,并结合建筑设计坐标完成夹具剖面特征点检测;然后依据设计三维坐标进行建模;最后将模型与扫描点云数据进行对比检测,生成三维色谱图,以掌握任意点的偏差值。结果表明,该方法既能进行关键特征点位的检测,又能全面掌握整个复杂曲面的偏差情况,满足测量的高精度要求,可为今后此类复杂曲面检测工程提供思路与技术参考。

关键词: 全站式扫描仪, 复杂曲面, 三维激光扫描, 曲面检测, 北京冬奥会

Abstract: In view of the complex hyperboloid structure of the track, there is no BIM model for reference and the accuracy of surface detection is high, this paper takes snowmobile and sled track of Beijing Winter Olympic Games as an example, proposes to use 3D laser scanner to scan the finished surface of the track, combined with the architectural design coordinates to complete the feature point detection. And the design 3D coordinates are modeled, the model is compared with the scanning point cloud data. The deviation value of any point can be grasped by generating 3D chromatogram. The results show that this method can not only solve the detection of key feature points, but also fully grasp the deviation of the whole complex surface, and meet the requirements of high-precision measurement, which provides ideas and technical reference for such complex surface detection engineering in the future.

Key words: multistation scanner, complex surface, 3D laser scanning, curved surface measurement, Beijing Winter Olympic Games
