测绘通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 151-154.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2021.358

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陈小雨, 张璐, 陈会仙, 付宇, 孙永烈   

  1. 自然资源部地图技术审查中心, 北京 100830
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-18 修回日期:2021-10-11 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2021-12-02
  • 作者简介:陈小雨(1984-),女,工程师,主要从事新型地图、地图审查规范、标准修制定、智能汽车基础地图快速审查平台建设方面的研究。E-mail:chenxiaoyu_727@126.com

Construction of new high freshness electronic map platform based on cloud computing

CHEN Xiaoyu, ZHANG Lu, CHEN Huixian, FU Yu, SUN Yonglie   

  1. Map Supervision Center, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100830, China
  • Received:2020-11-18 Revised:2021-10-11 Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-02

摘要: 在电子科技发展迅猛的新时代,电子地图可为车载导航、手机、PAD、互联网等使用者提供基于位置的各种服务。针对现有电子地图生产平台更新频率低、处理速度慢、现势性差等问题,本文利用大数据挖掘、云计算及人工智能等新技术,通过自动识别成图及自动化编辑能力,对电子地图的在线快速更新技术,以及从采集、编辑到出品的一体化流程进行了研究。并以此建立了基于云计算的新型高鲜度电子地图平台,实现了电子地图道路信息与兴趣点的在线增量更新,大幅度提升了电子地图的生产能力、准确率及效率。

关键词: 高鲜度, 云计算, 电子地图, 快速更新, 一体化

Abstract: In the new era of rapid development of electronic technology, electronic map can provide various LBS services for users of car navigation, mobile phones, PAD, and the Internet.Aiming at the problems of low update frequency, slow processing speed, and poor current status of existing electronic map production platforms,this article uses new technologies such as big data mining, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, through automatic recognition and automatic editing capabilities to research the online rapid update technology of electronic maps and the integrated process from collection, editing to production. A new high-fresh electronic map platform based on cloud computing is built, the platform accomplishes the online incremental update of electronic map road information and points of interest, and greatly improves the production capacity, accuracy and efficiency of electronic maps.

Key words: high freshness, cloud computing, electronic map, quick update, integration
