测绘通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 160-163.doi: 10.13474/j.cnki.11-2246.2018.0065

• 测绘地理信息技术装备应用案例 • 上一篇    


李鹏1, 林杰1, 李欢2   

  1. 1. 潮州市国土资源测绘队, 广东 潮州 521000;
    2. 广州天派仪器科技有限公司, 广东 广州 510000
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-31 出版日期:2018-02-25 发布日期:2018-03-06
  • 作者简介:李欢(1984-),男,主要从事无人机、3D扫描仪及GNSS精密定位领域技术服务工作。E-mail:lihuan@trimpal.com.cn

UAV Integration with Ground Scanner of Terrain Measurement

LI Peng1, LIN Jie1, LI Huan2   

  1. 1. Chaozhou City Land Resources Surveying Team, Chaozhou 521000, China;
    2. Guangzhou Trimpal Instruments SCI & Tech Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 510000, China
  • Received:2017-12-31 Online:2018-02-25 Published:2018-03-06



关键词: 扫描仪, 无人机, TBC, CASS, 地形图


In recent years,there are more and more institutions for topographic survey with UAV as carrier.However,the existing UAV achievements can not meet the requirements of large scale in both elevation and housing.In order to solve this problem,we carries out the operation of combining the ground scanner with the UAV.The result shows that the accuracy of this method can meet the mapping requirements of 1:1000 topographic map.

Key words: scanner, UAV, TBC, CASS, topographic map
